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Curriculum vitae

education | awards | performances

Wilfried HEDENBORG, born 1977 in Salzburg, Austria.

1983:first violin lesson with his father.
1989:entered the Mozarteum Academy of Music in Salzburg as a pupil of Prof. R.RICCI.
1996:Bachelor of Arts Degree with Distinction
1997:founded "THE VIENNA QUARTET" as it's 1st violinist, left in 2001
1998:Master of Arts Degree with Distinction
began the developement of strings with Thomastik-Infeld, developement of the "Infeld-Violin" strings with Ing.F.Klanner and D.Pergamenchikov.
development of "Vision" family and "PI" followed 2004 - 2010
post graduate study with Prof. W.HINK at the Conservatorium Vienna
2001:employed by the Vienna Stateopera Orchestra / Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (1st Violin Section)
2002:graduates his studies at the Conservatorium Vienna with distinction
2004:became a member of Wiener Philharmoniker
2004 - 2010:as a board member served as librarian of Wiener Philharmoniker
2006:became a member of Wiener Hofmusikkapelle
2018 - today:as works council chairman representing the not performing arts personel of the Vienna Stateopera

Attended RICCI's masterclasses in Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, and the U.S.A., as well as the annual masterclasses held by Thomas BRANDIS and Herman KREBBERS.

Awards at numerous competitions, including:

1993:"Jugend musiziert" 1st prize and special prize awarded by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, special prize awarded by the Kiwanis Club;
special prize at the International "Tibor Varga" Competition (Sion, Switzerland);
4th prize at the International "Pablo de Sarasate" Competition (Pamplona, Spain).
1994: 1st prize at the "Alpe Adria" Competition (Gorizia, Italy);
2nd prize at the "Concertino Prague" Competition, supsequent concerts at the South Bohemian Festival and in the Rudolphinum Hall, Prague;
special prize awarded by the Summer Academy of the Mozarteum Salzburg.
1995: 1st prize and the "audience's prize" at the "Concours R.Ricci" (Iserlohn, Germany);
special prize at the "4th Vienna International Music Competition" (Vienna, Austria).
1997: 1st prize and numerous special prizes at the "International T.Wronski Solo Violin Competition" (Warsaw, Poland).
1998: "Christa-Richter-Steiner" Award;
"Honour Award" given by the Minister for Science and Traffic, Dr. Caspar Einem.

Frequent concert performances - solo, chamber and orchestral- in Austria and abroad, including:

1992: Orchestra of the Mozarteum Academy under M.Gielen in the Mozarteum Großer Saal.
1993: Mozarteum Orchestra under H.Graf in the Großes Festspielhaus.
1994: Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra under P.Vronsky;
Baadische Staatskapelle Karlsruhe under K.Ono.
1995: "Forum Junger Künstler": Vienna Chamber Orchestra under M.Caldi in the Brucknerhaus Linz and the Konzerthaus Vienna, Austria.
1997: Solo Recital in the National Philharmonie Warsaw, Poland;
performances in conjunction with the ballet of the Vienna State Opera under B.Stadler, N.Musin and R.Zanella.
1998: Philharmonie der Nationen under J.Frantz; Solo Recital (including 12 Paganini Caprices in the 2nd half) in Warsaw, Poland; Wieniawski Philharmonie Lublin in Lublin, Poland under P.Kantschieder; Sinfonietta Baden under T.Rößner; Solo Recital in Kitzbühel, Austria.
2003: performances in conjunction with the ballet of the Vienna State Opera under S.Nakamura, E.Peci and R.Zanella.
2018: Orchestra Giovanile Luigi Cherubini under R.Muti in Teatro Alighieri Ravenna, Italien ("Jubilee of 100th birthday R.Ricci");
Philharmonia Aeterna under N.Totsuka Tokyo, Japan (Premiere performance of the M.Rozsa violinconcerto in Japan).

Live broadcasts by the Austrian, Bavarian, Czech, Polish, Italian, Spanish, American and Japanese Radio/Television.


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